
Proportion of the population with access to housing loans
  • Total
  • Male
  • Female
  • 1609322534
    Unit : (Number)
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    Unit : Number
    Source : National Institute of statistics
    Proportion of the population with access to housing loans
    Number of new housing loan contracts34943.037230.043592.038452.028720.0
    Global amount of housing loans (in mD)1819994.02090092.02369615.02087110.01734082.0
    Average amount of housing loans (in mD)
    jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
    Unit : Number
    Source : National Institute of statistics
    Proportion of the population with access to housing loans
    Number of new housing loan contracts26127.027565.032633.028557.020883.0
    Global amount of housing loans (in mD)1395654.01597484.01799043.01570585.01266726.0
    Average amount of housing loans (in mD)
    jQuery("#tblEmployee-1").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
    Unit : Number
    Source : National Institute of statistics
    Proportion of the population with access to housing loans
    Number of new housing loan contracts8816.09665.010959.09895.07837.0
    Global amount of housing loans (in mD)424339.0492609.0570571.0516525.0467355.0
    Average amount of housing loans (in mD)
    jQuery("#tblEmployee-2").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
    Source : National Institute of statisticsUpdate : 24-12-2020
    Proportion of the population with access to consumer credit
  • Total
  • Male
  • Female
  • 1609323236
    Unit : (Number)
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    Unit : Number
    Source : National Institute of statistics
    Proportion of the population with access to consumer credit
    Number of new consumer credit contracts359850.0413575.0435344.0407843.0330735.0
    Global amount of consumer loans (in MD)3287513.04847775.05631350.05463141.04760553.0
    Average amount of consumer loans (in MD)
    jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
    Unit : Number
    Source : National Institute of statistics
    Proportion of the population with access to consumer credit
    Number of new consumer credit contracts264157.0305939.0320014.0297509.0243898.0
    Global amount of consumer loans (in MD)2454015.03635980.04187351.04065651.03565818.0
    Average amount of consumer loans (in MD)
    jQuery("#tblEmployee-1").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
    Unit : Number
    Source : National Institute of statistics
    Proportion of the population with access to consumer credit
    Number of new consumer credit contracts95693.0107636.0115330.0110334.086837.0
    Global amount of consumer loans (in MD)833498.01211795.01443999.01397489.01194735.0
    Average amount of consumer loans (in MD)
    jQuery("#tblEmployee-2").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
    Source : National Institute of statisticsUpdate : 24-12-2020
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