Conditions d'utilisation

Terms of use

This license allows the commercial and non-commercial reuse of all public data and information made available by the producer under the conditions provided below.


Conditions d'utilisation

Article 1: Definitions

Producer: This is the public structure that produces public data and opens it to reuse in the freedoms and conditions provided for by this license.

Reuser: This is any natural or legal person who reuses public data in accordance with the freedoms and conditions of this license.

Intellectual property rights: These are rights identified as such by laws and regulations relating to intellectual property (copyright, rights related to copyright, database law).

Public data: all the data which is or should be published or made available to the public, and which is produced or collected by all public bodies as part of their public service activities.

Raw data: uninterpreted data originating from a primary source, having characteristics linked to it and which have not been subjected to any processing or any other manipulation.

Information: These are the processed data offered for reuse in the freedoms and conditions of this license.

Derived Information: This is new data or information that has been created either directly from the data or information, or from a combination of the data or information that would not be subject to this license.

Article 2 - Guarantees granted to the re-user

Under the terms of this license, the producer authorizes the re-user the personal, non-exclusive and free right to reuse the data and information made available.

The authorization is valid worldwide and for an unlimited period.

When the producer holds intellectual property rights to the data and information, or to documents containing them, he transfers them to the re-user on a non-exclusive basis, free of charge, for the whole world and for the entire duration of protection.

The "Producer" guarantees that "the Information" does not contain intellectual property rights belonging to third parties.

Any "intellectual property rights" held by the "Producer" on documents containing "Information" do not prevent the free re-use of data or information. When the "Producer" holds "Intellectual property rights" over documents that contain "Information", he assigns them on a non-exclusive basis, free of charge, for the whole world and for the entire duration of the "Property rights" intellectual property ”, to the“ User ”who can make any use of it in accordance with the freedoms and conditions defined by this license.

Article 3 - Forms of reuse

The re-user is free to:

  • Reproduce, copy, publish and transmit data or information;
  • Disseminate and redistribute data or information;
  • Adapt, modify, extract and transform from data or information, in particular to create derived information;
  • Use the data or information for commercial purposes, for example by combining it with other data or information, or by including it in your own product or application.

Article 4 - Conditions for re-use

The reuse cannot be validly made without prior mention of the authorship of data or information, its source (at least the name of the "producer") and the date of its last update.

The mention of authorship may take the form of an indication of the hypertext link (s) (URL) referring to the data or information and ensuring a clear and effective mention of his authorship.

The mention of paternity must not confer an official character to the reuse. It should not suggest recognition or guarantee by the "Producer", or by any other public entity, of the "Reuser" or its reuse.

Article 5 - Liability of the producer

Data and information are made available as produced or received by the Producer. This data and information must meet the following principles:

  • Available online;
  • Open by default;
  • Distributed in a timely and comprehensive manner;
  • Accessible and usable;
  • Comparable and interoperable;
  • Will serve to improve governance and citizen participation;
  • Foster inclusive development and innovation.

The producer must guarantee the free reuse of this data and information and the absence of infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties.

It does not guarantee the absence of defects, errors or irregularities vitiating the data or information.

It does not guarantee the continuous provision of data and information. It cannot be held responsible for any loss, prejudice or damage of any kind caused to third parties as a result of reuse.

Article 6 - Responsibility of the re-user

The data is made available as produced or received by the "Producer", without any other express or tacit guarantee which is not provided for in this license.

The "Producer" guarantees that he makes the data available free of charge under the freedoms and conditions defined by this license. It cannot guarantee the absence of any faults or irregularities contained in the data. It does not guarantee the continuous supply of data.

It cannot be held responsible for any loss, prejudice or damage of any kind caused to third parties as a result of reuse.

The "Reuser" is solely responsible for the reuse of the data. The reuse must not mislead third parties as to the content of the data, their sources and their update dates.

Article 7 - Compatibility of this license

To facilitate the re-use of data and information, this license has been designed to be compatible with any free license which requires at least the mention of paternity. It is notably compatible with the "Open Government License" (OGL) of the United Kingdom, "Creative Commons Attribution 2.0" (CC-BY 2.0) of Creative Commons and "Open Data Commons Attribution" (ODC-BY) of the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Article 8 - Applicable right

La présente licence est régie par le droit tunisien.